JKH Capital https://jkhcapital.com/ Thu, 17 Jun 2021 12:17:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://i0.wp.com/jkhcapital.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/cropped-JKH_favicon.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 JKH Capital https://jkhcapital.com/ 32 32 182928846 Com juro baixo, startups brasileiras captam até maio 90% do total de 2020 https://jkhcapital.com/startups-recebem-investimento/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=startups-recebem-investimento Thu, 17 Jun 2021 12:17:33 +0000 https://jkhcapital.com/?p=1077 As startups brasileiras receberam US$ 3,2 bilhões em investimentos nos cinco primeiros meses de 2021, volume que representa 90% do total investido em todo o ano de 2020, de US$ 3,54 bilhões. Até maio, foram 261 aportes, segundo dados divulgados no relatório “Inside Venture Capital”, elaborado pela Distrito, plataforma que monitora o mercado de inovação brasileiro. A maior […]

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As startups brasileiras receberam US$ 3,2 bilhões em investimentos nos cinco primeiros meses de 2021, volume que representa 90% do total investido em todo o ano de 2020, de US$ 3,54 bilhões. Até maio, foram 261 aportes, segundo dados divulgados no relatório “Inside Venture Capital”, elaborado pela Distrito, plataforma que monitora o mercado de inovação brasileiro. A maior parte dos investimentos foi para fintechs, embora outros setores venham ganhando importância nessa conta.

Para Gustavo Gierun, co-fundador e sócio da Distrito, os números sinalizam um ano forte para o setor, porque os fundos ainda têm capital para investir. “O Brasil caminha para algo entre US$ 4,5 bilhões e US$ 5 bilhões (em aportes) ao longo de 2021”, diz. Ele lembra que entre janeiro e maio de 2020 foram 203 transações e US$ 835 milhões em investimentos em startups no País. Ou seja: o volume saltou quase quatro vezes neste intervalo.

Dados da Transactional Track Record (TTR) que englobam grandes operações, não apenas de startups, mostram que os fundos de venture capital já aportaram R$ 15,2 bilhões (o equivalente a US$ 3 bilhões) em empresas de tecnologia no Brasil no período entre janeiro e maio deste ano, com 115 transações. Entre elas estão um aporte de US$ 400 milhões recebido pelo Nubank em janeiro, e outro, de US$ 525 milhões, recebido pela Loft entre março e abril.


O relatório da Distrito aponta que as fintechs ainda são as preferidas para aportes, com 57 investimentos neste ano e um volume de US$ 1,158 bilhão. Em seguida, as startups do ramo imobiliário somam US$ 825 mi em investimentos em quatro projetos. Dois deles ocorreram no mês de maio. Mas outros setores devem ganhar importância.

Segundo Gierun, as empresas inovadoras ligadas ao varejo e ao ramo da saúde vêm “crescendo com consistência, uma promessa para os próximos períodos”. Até aqui, elas recebem menos recursos que as fintechs, mas estão no “top 5” dos investimentos: as chamadas retail techs e healthtechs acumulam investimentos de US$ 632 milhões e US$ 88,8 milhões neste ano, respectivamente.

Artigo originalmente publicado pelo portal Estadão: https://link.estadao.com.br/noticias/inovacao,com-juro-baixo-startups-brasileiras-captam-ate-maio-90-do-total-de-2020,70003735921

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JKH Capital partners with startup accelerator VENTIUR https://jkhcapital.com/jkh-capital-partners-with-startup-accelerator-ventiur/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=jkh-capital-partners-with-startup-accelerator-ventiur Sat, 12 Jun 2021 14:29:42 +0000 https://jkhcapital.com/?p=1072 Aiming to establish strategic partnerships and increasingly strengthen its presence and performance in the Brazilian market, especially in southern Brazil, JKH signed an important partnership with the startup accelerator VENTIUR. VENTIUR is an accelerator dedicated to supporting entrepreneurs and investing in startup development. It’s approach to startups includes the contribution of financial capital, shared knowledge, […]

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Aiming to establish strategic partnerships and increasingly strengthen its presence and performance in the Brazilian market, especially in southern Brazil, JKH signed an important partnership with the startup accelerator VENTIUR.

VENTIUR is an accelerator dedicated to supporting entrepreneurs and investing in startup development. It’s approach to startups includes the contribution of financial capital, shared knowledge, co-creation, co-learning, process structuring, training, mentoring and market access opportunities.

The project aims, mainly, to develop the local ecosystem, making it increasingly competitive and attractive to investors across the country, not only making contributions to startups, but also working in mentoring and acceleration projects.

The startup market presents interesting growth and development numbers, while more traditional sectors of the economy struggle to face the challenging scenario imposed by the Pandemic: technology companies grow and as they receive large amounts of investment, generate jobs and tread a path to overcome for such a battered economy.


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JKH Capital invests R$ 9 million to develop a solar energy panel company https://jkhcapital.com/jkh-capital-invests-r-9-million-to-develop-a-solar-energy-panel-company/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=jkh-capital-invests-r-9-million-to-develop-a-solar-energy-panel-company Sat, 12 Jun 2021 14:23:04 +0000 https://jkhcapital.com/?p=1069 The contribution will allow for an expansion plan for the European market. Just two months after its official launch in the Brazilian market, JKH has just announced its investment in Helius Energy, a company that manufactures and supplies high-quality photovoltaic modules for the specialized world market. The investment of R$9 million will help the company […]

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The contribution will allow for an expansion plan for the European market.

Just two months after its official launch in the Brazilian market, JKH has just announced its investment in Helius Energy, a company that manufactures and supplies high-quality photovoltaic modules for the specialized world market. The investment of R$9 million will help the company in its expansion to the European market, taking it to another level.

The project aims, mainly, to develop new technologies for the product, making it increasingly competitive in markets that are very demanding and are increasingly attentive to solutions for renewable energy, such as those in European countries.

Helius Energy has been in the market since 2008, and already has more than 50 employees here in the country alone, in addition to 4 offices in the United States, Switzerland, Hong Kong and China. With a focus on clean energy solutions, the company has registered important growth figures, only in 2020 the evolution was 280%.

“We are very excited about our arrival in Brazil, we have a very well defined objective and we are working hard to achieve it. The investment in Helius is another step in this direction. I believe this will be a year for us to get to know the market better, adapt and learn a lot as we make investments. Our goal is audacious, but not absurd and our country is rich in tireless entrepreneurs”, comments Eduard, JKH Capital founder.

For him, in addition to investments, this period will also serve to define the strategies for 2022, when the company plans to structure a fund with third-party capital.

Article published by journalist Marta Sfredo, on Gaucha ZH portal – read the original content


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JKH CAPITAL CHEGA AO BRASIL https://jkhcapital.com/jkh-capital-chega-ao-brasil-venture-capital/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=jkh-capital-chega-ao-brasil-venture-capital Thu, 03 Jun 2021 14:32:55 +0000 https://jkhcapital.com/?p=1063 Como a JKH foi fundada? Qual é a tese de investimentos da gestora? Como se dá a atuação entre Brasil e Estados Unidos? A JKH Capital é uma holding de investimentos, que atua principalmente através do venture debt, sediada em Nova York – em uma das mais famosas avenidas da cidade, a Lexington Avenue – […]

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Como a JKH foi fundada? Qual é a tese de investimentos da gestora? Como se dá a atuação entre Brasil e Estados Unidos?

A JKH Capital é uma holding de investimentos, que atua principalmente através do venture debt, sediada em Nova York – em uma das mais famosas avenidas da cidade, a Lexington Avenue – e com escritórios na Holanda e Hong Kong, chegou ao Brasil em fevereiro, com seu novo escritório na cidade de Campo Bom, no Rio Grande do Sul, buscando oportunidades de investimentos em startups promissoras, principalmente dos setores ligados ao meio-ambiente e energia, nos estados do Sul do país e também em São Paulo. A empresa nasceu em 2008 na cidade de Nova York, principalmente pelas oportunidades de mercado que existem nos EUA em relação a investimentos em startups, um mercado que sabidamente é aquecido e relevante há mais tempo que aqui no Brasil.

Qual é o atual momento de vocês? Quanto existe sob gestão? Devemos esperar novos fundos serem levantados para investir em empresas de tecnologia?

Atualmente estamos ajustando a operação brasileira, que já funciona e que é responsável pela análise do mercado local, encontrando novas possibilidades de investimento e parceria, ao longo dos últimos 12 anos realizamos mais de 22 investimentos, sempre com capital próprio, que já renderam mais de 50 milhões de dólares. Hoje a JKH Capital conta com investimentos no Brasil, Uruguai, USA, Holanda, Suíça, China e Hong Kong. O fundo, que atua com capital próprio, investe em empresas dos mais variados setores e apresentou um crescimento médio de 160% ao ano, desde a sua fundação. Para o próximo ano estamos estudando um novo fundo, provavelmente em um outro formato, com capital externo, mas tudo irá depender do momento e de como o nosso trabalho se desenvolverá até lá.

Como vocês enxergam o mercado brasileiro de empreendedorismo e inovação? Quais são as maiores oportunidades existentes nele hoje? O que vislumbram pro futuro?

Estamos muito animados com a chegada ao Brasil. Acredito que este será um ano para conhecermos mais o mercado, nos adaptarmos e aprendermos muito ao passo que realizamos investimentos. Nossa meta é audaciosa, mas não absurda e o nosso país é rico em empreendedores incansáveis.

A inovação caminha a passos largos para ser um mercado ainda maior e com mais oportunidades, tanto para quem investe quanto para quem empreende, com mais capital disponível e também mais ideias na mesa, os dois lados se beneficiam e assim fomentam a economia, geram empregos e contribuem positivamente para a sociedade. Estamos analisando diversas startups, realizando parcerias importante tanto com entidades quanto grupos de investimento e nossa meta para 2022 é termos um fundo com capital de terceiros, hoje atuamos com capital 100% próprio e ao passo que realizamos novos investimentos também amadurecemos enquanto investidores o que nos permite entender mais do cenário local e planejar bem todas as ações para o próximo período minimizando os riscos.

Vocês investiram recentemente na Edsun, o que motivou o investimento? Quais os fatores analisados para tomar essa decisão? Como a empresa tem crescido desde então?

A Edsun, é uma grande empresa, liderada por grandes empreendedores. O motivo principal, além de ser um grande potencial, é a afinidade do fundador da JKH com greentechs. A empresa, apesar de nova, já atua em todoS os estados brasileiros e tem apresentado um crescimento notável. A ideia é que em médio prazo eles possam expandir suas atividades para os mercados norte-americano e europeu e já estudam o lançamento da solução em Portugal em um período mais curto.

Entrevista em Abril/2021 à Distrito

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Kaszek Raises a Record $1 Billion in Venture Capital https://jkhcapital.com/kaszek-raises-a-record-1-billion-in-venture-capital/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=kaszek-raises-a-record-1-billion-in-venture-capital Wed, 02 Jun 2021 10:18:00 +0000 https://jkhcapital.com/?p=1053 Latin America’s venture capital fund Kaszek has raised US$1 billion, seizing on the growing interest among global investors in the region’s technology startups. The fund says it will use half of this cash into early-stage companies, and the remaining into later-stage portfolio firms. Founded by former co-founders of Mercado Libre, Argentina’s e-commerce giant, Kaszek has backed more than […]

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Latin America’s venture capital fund Kaszek has raised US$1 billion, seizing on the growing interest among global investors in the region’s technology startups.

The fund says it will use half of this cash into early-stage companies, and the remaining into later-stage portfolio firms.

Founded by former co-founders of Mercado Libre, Argentina’s e-commerce giant, Kaszek has backed more than 90 companies, which have collectively raised more than US$10 billion in capital.

Among the companies funded include Brazil’s unicorn Nubank, Creditas, and digital real estate broker QuintoAndar.

Geographically, Kaszek has been most active in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, but it has also invested in teams based in other countries in the region such as DigitalHouse (started in Argentina), NotCo (originally founded in Chile), or Kushki (launched first in Ecuador).

Latin America’s technology sector is booming like never before, according to the fund’s co-founder Hernan Kazah. “We are experiencing an acceleration towards digitalization,” he said in a press release.

The technology companies in the region have a huge potential to multiply investors’ money, reported The Wall Street Journal recently, citing an analysis by Brazilian venture firm Atlantico.

The capital raised by the technology firms from stock markets accounts for only 2.2% of the region’s GDP, compared with 39% in the US.

“There is so much more ‘room to grow’ here than anywhere else, so the potential is massive given we’re talking about 600 million people and $5 trillion in GDP,” reported the daily quoting Julio Vasconcellos, managing partner at Atlantico.

Soucre: Nearshore Americas

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Liquidity boosts venture capital fortunes in Brazil – Startups https://jkhcapital.com/liquidity-boosts-venture-capital-fortunes-in-brazil-startups/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=liquidity-boosts-venture-capital-fortunes-in-brazil-startups Sun, 30 May 2021 17:16:08 +0000 https://jkhcapital.com/?p=1047 VC firms emerge as big winners as younger and smaller companies go for IPOs, according to Confiance Invest. “Now, a company can dream about an IPO within five years of existence because the market is mature,” said Gustavo Poppe, head of Confiance Invest. “There is liquidity all over the market. That is the beauty of […]

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VC firms emerge as big winners as younger and smaller companies go for IPOs, according to Confiance Invest.

“Now, a company can dream about an IPO within five years of existence because the market is mature,” said Gustavo Poppe, head of Confiance Invest. “There is liquidity all over the market. That is the beauty of a more mature capital market.”

In the first four months of 2020, more than 40% of IPOs in Brazil came from companies less than 20 years old, while almost a quarter came from companies less than 10 years old, Confiance Invest said. A third of them had less than BRL300 million ($56.5 million) in sales, it added.

“There is some appetite for companies with just 10 years of experience and sales of less than BRL300 million. It did not use to be the case,” Poppe said.

The number of IPOs in Brazil came to 22 in the first four months of the year, equal to 79% of the number registered during the same period last year. M&A deals, meanwhile, rose 120% year-on-year in the same period, according to Confiance Invest.

“We see greater liquidity for IPOs of smaller and younger companies and also for M&As with a stronger intensity in input operations or venture capital, which translates in greater attractiveness for such a market as there are likely greater exit opportunities,” Poppe said.

One such example, Enjoei, an 11-year-old online marketplace, raised BRL1.13 billion in an IPO in November last year.

Source: Latin American Financial Publications, Inc.

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JKH Capital has agreed to invest £2,3m in UK battery company Zenobe https://jkhcapital.com/jkh-capital-has-agreed-to-invest-23m-in-uk-battery-company-zenobe/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=jkh-capital-has-agreed-to-invest-23m-in-uk-battery-company-zenobe Wed, 25 Nov 2020 20:33:58 +0000 https://jkhcapital.com/?p=489 The recently founded New York-based JKH Capital has agreed to invest £2,3m in UK battery company Zenobe. Zenobe said the funding from JKH Capital would also allow it to enter new markets in Europe. The Demand for energy storage is rising as the UK government is scheduled to ban sales of combustion engine cars by […]

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The recently founded New York-based JKH Capital has agreed to invest £2,3m in UK battery company Zenobe. Zenobe said the funding from JKH Capital would also allow it to enter new markets in Europe.

The Demand for energy storage is rising as the UK government is scheduled to ban sales of combustion engine cars by 2035 and meet its target of having zero gas emissions by 2050.  Batteries are increasingly being used to help the electricity grid to supply from renewable sources such as wind and solar power.

Zenobe helps vehicles go electric by providing batteries, charging stations, and software management to managing the charging of vans, buses, and other vehicles. Financing the batteries, the company is helping to lower costs for bus operators and logistic companies.

Zenobe has developed its own software for managing batteries that provide information such as frequency balancing to the National Grid. It also provides batteries to industrial customers that enables them to lower their energy bills. 

According to James Gilbert, Vice President of Finance,  “at JKH Capital we’ve learned that investing and sharing experiences at an early stage is all about the Founder. Their passion, energy, experience, and ambition. We are looking to diversify our investment always considering our goal to empower people to make a difference on the environmental challenge that our planet is facing”

Get to know another JKH Capital investment on Renewables: Helius Energy

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